High life scotch

In our first episode of the new year we cover January 1st, 2nd, 18th, and 24th 2022 Billings city council meetings.

*Email us at thefridaypacket@gmail.com with comments, questions, concerns.

*Go to https://www.patreon.com/thefridaypacket to “buy that for a dollar” and become a sustaining member of the podcast!!

Everything’s a nail

On this podcast Stout and Stocky catch up on December Billings city council meetings and say goodbye to some termed out council members as well.


*Email us at thefridaypacket@gmail.com with comments, questions, concerns.

*Go to https://www.patreon.com/thefridaypacket to “buy that for a dollar” and become a sustaining member of the podcast!!

Hammer Down

On this weeks show we give the results of the 2021 municipal elections here in Billings.  We also discuss hammers, rocks and suing your creator.  In that order.

*Email us at thefridaypacket@gmail.com with comments, questions, concerns.

*Go to https://www.patreon.com/thefridaypacket to “buy that for a dollar” and become a sustaining member of the podcast!!

Election direction

On this weeks show we focus solely on the candidates and incumbents for the 2021 Billings city council elections.

*Email us at thefridaypacket@gmail.com with comments, questions, concerns.

*Go to https://www.patreon.com/thefridaypacket to “buy that for a dollar” and become a sustaining member of the podcast!!

Second Opinion

This Week on the show we talk facilities, union contacts, weed, and “federal things.”  What are federal things you ask?  Listen in and find out.

*Email us at thefridaypacket@gmail.com with comments, questions, concerns.

*Go to https://www.patreon.com/thefridaypacket to “buy that for a dollar” and become a sustaining member of the podcast!!

Boiler room hot box

This week on The Friday Packet with Stocky and Stout we play catch-up with Billing city council once more.  We talk weed, building inspections, and much more.

*Email us at thefridaypacket@gmail.com with comments, questions, concerns.

*Go to https://www.patreon.com/thefridaypacket to “buy that for a dollar” and become a sustaining member of the podcast!!


This week we discuss potential new digs for Billings city employees, annexation of property into the city of Billings, water rationing and the ever popular weed.

The air purifier was running during the entirety of the episode.  So that’s the weird noise you will hear throughout the episode.  We apologize.

*Email us at thefridaypacket@gmail.com with comments, questions, concerns.

*Go to https://www.patreon.com/thefridaypacket to “buy that for a dollar” and become a sustaining member of the podcast!!

Bathroom break

This week on the packet we talk about cops, bathrooms and the public safety mill levy that the citizens of Billings will vote on this fall.

*Email us at thefridaypacket@gmail.com with comments, questions, concerns.

*Go to https://www.patreon.com/thefridaypacket to “buy that for a dollar” and become a sustaining member of the podcast!!

Blanket Fort

On the show we play catsup with the Billings city council.  We talk the CPSM report on the fire department, water rates, budget, and so much more.

*Email us at thefridaypacket@gmail.com with comments, questions, concerns.

*Go to https://www.patreon.com/thefridaypacket to “buy that for a dollar” and become a sustaining member of the podcast!!


This week on The Friday Packet with Stocky and Stout we plow through budget season the best way possible, with scotch and bourbon.  Stout and Stocky talk about public safety, building space needs, cops and did I mention public safety?  Give it a listen.

*Email us at thefridaypacket@gmail.com with comments, questions, concerns.

*Go to https://www.patreon.com/thefridaypacket to “buy that for a dollar” and become a sustaining member of the podcast!!