Autonomous Dissent

On this episode we delve into the jamb-packed December 17th council agenda. Listed below are just a few of the agenda items, and these are just in the consent agenda. Join us as we attempt to go over the entire agenda as well as talk maybe a little too much about robots.

*Professional Services Contract for W.O. 18-23: 2018 Water Master Plan Update; HDR Engineering, Inc.; in an amount not to exceed $333,900.

*Professional Services Contract for design and construction administration of W.O. 19-10: Jellison Rd. Water Main; Performance Engineering; $162,186.

*Four-Year Contract for the Neptune AMR/AMI Software Hosting; Northwest Pipe Fittings, Inc.; Year 1 – $40,920; Year 2 – $49,290; Year 3 – $57,660; and Year 4 – $57,990, for a total of $205,530.

*Amendment No. 1, W.O. 18-22: Leavens Reservoir Expansion and Zone 1 Improvements, Professional Services Contract, HDR Engineering, Inc., $599,700.

*Amendment No. 1, Wireless Network Concession Agreement (Wi-Fi Agreement), Boingo Wireless, renewal and extension for one additional year to December 31, 2019.

*Exchange City Golf Corporation (ECGC) 2019 annual budget and fee structure for Par 3 Golf Course.

*2018 High Intensity Drug Traffic Area (HIDTA) Award from Executive Office of the President, Office of National Drug Control Policy; $606,450.

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